Man To Man: I’m Hungry

            There are many things I can do around the house to help. I do much of the work in the yard and assist with other domestic chores as needed. But one thing I am not very gifted in is meal preparation. Last week, my wife went to Michigan to visit her sister for three … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Rest

            The last couple of posts we’ve looked at two of the basic disciplines of the Christian faith, Scripture reading and prayer. As with many of the disciplines, these are things God asks us to do, not to earn his favor, but to aid our maturity in the faith. However, there is a spiritual discipline … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Communication

NOTE: This is also the article for the October newsletter for the entire church. As I was writing this for the blog post, I realized that everyone needs to hear this.             Several years ago, my daughter asked if I would help her in the process of buying a car.   We set out, one day, … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Instruction Manual

            When I left the first church I served in Michigan to move to Indiana, they gave me a gas grill as a going away present. When we arrived at our new home, my brother-in-law and I unpacked the parts from the box and began to assemble the new grill. As we completed the task, … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Discipline Requires Effort

            Last week we discussed the importance of spiritual discipline in our lives, both for the present struggles and to prepare us for those things we are not aware that may be coming our way. We will be talking about the specific disciplines that we should be developing soon. For this post however, we need … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Work At It

            I was recently with a gentleman who is in his mid-80’s in age. Although he is experiencing some signs of dementia, our conversation was pleasant and profitable. As I was leaving, he leaned over and patted me on the abdomen with this comment, “I see you’re getting your belly back!”             Although this comment … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Holiness

            Many years ago, I was able to spend some time in Mexico City. One of the places I visited was a shrine of Guadeloupe. We went to study the architecture and history. However, these were not the characteristics of this place that I found most interesting. What did catch my attention was a ritual … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Justice

            In our current political and sociological setting, there is a constant cry for justice. Minorities want justice when they feel their rights have been violated. Women want justice when they are not treated as equals with men. We all want justice; we want to be treated fairly. I affirm this desire in the hearts … [Read more…]