Man to Man: Renewing Our Focus

            I have been posting these weekly articles for quite a while. Some of you have been reading them from the beginning. Others may have just discovered them. Many of you read these posts every week. Others just pop in from time to time. Wherever you fall in this process, I want to say “Thank … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Keep It Real

            I have been sending out these posts to the men of Murray Church for nearly two years. I recently discovered some women are sneaking in and reading them as well. My intent is to challenge you to build character in your life that is God honoring and beneficial to your families and others whom … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Hope In A Hopeless World

            I have mentioned in an earlier post that my “word” for 2021 is HOPE. This choice came about because of the overwhelming sense of hopelessness poured out on us from all directions in our society. The media loves to sell hopelessness because it keeps people tuned in to see if they can find just … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Into the Light

            When I was eight or nine years old, my family arrived home from church one Sunday evening well after dark. The church we attended was in Flint, Michigan, about 30 minutes away from our home in Durand. Having sat through church and the drive home, the need to visit the bathroom was at an … [Read more…]

Man To Man: True Love – Part 2

            Last week we discussed the responsibility we have as men who are pursuing God, to love as God loves. We discovered the challenge to love others, even if we don’t receive their love in return. We are even to love those who treat us poorly. We will continue this discussion with a look at … [Read more…]

Man To Man: True Love

            As we enter the month of February, we cannot help but be reminded of the focus on love. In fact, if we do forget, many of us will be reminded of the importance of February 14th, by our wives or significant others. I have often said that Valentine’s Day is a conspiracy involving florists, … [Read more…]

Man To Man: What Are You Worth?

            When a man hears this question, “What are you worth?”, his mind often goes to his financial portfolio. He adds up his investments, real estate values, and other assets to get a total. For some, this is a source of security, to know you have enough resource to care for your family and be … [Read more…]