Man To Man: Giving God A “Hand” Part 2

            We are continuing our discussion of spiritual gifts. These are special abilities God provides for his children. We have discovered that each true Christ follower will supernaturally receive at least one gift and possibly more. Also, God is the one who decides which gifts go to which individual based on his all-knowing wisdom. The … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Giving God A “Hand”

            If you are just joining us on this blog, we are beginning a discussion of the spiritual gifts God offers to us. We have discovered that each true Christ follower will supernaturally receive at least one gift and possibly more. Also, God is the one who decides which gifts go to which individual based … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Finding My Place

            I fill many roles in my life. I am a husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law, uncle, preacher, pastor/shepherd, vision caster, administrator, mentor, discipler, disciple, staff supervisor, teacher, men’s small  group facilitator, church board advisor, best friend, friend to believers, friend to pre-believers, and neighbor. I did not create this list to impress you … [Read more…]

Man to Man: How Busy Is Too Busy?

            We have heard the question thousands of times, “How are you doing?” Our answer is often the same, “I’m fine.” But in the last several years, there has been an additional comment added to this standard answer, “I’m really busy, but I’m fine!”             In some circles, business seems to be a badge of … [Read more…]