Man to Man: My Tallest Posture

            I have two grandsons that have both grown several inches over the past year. One of their goals was to be taller than Gramma. This was not a difficult task since she is only 4’11”. Next, they have set their sights on bypassing their dad in height. Each time I see them, they are … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Doing Life My Way

            Ken was a good friend. He was the choir director at my home church in Michigan. We sang in a quartet together. When I still lived at home, my parents invited him in for meals with our family. We knew him well. At least we thought we did.             On a Sunday evening in … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Wait A Minute

            I have written and spoken often of my Dad. He was a good man who taught me many valuable lessons. I am incredibly grateful for all he did for me. However, there was one area of life where Dad struggled a bit. Dad was not a very patient man. In fact, that is an … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Did You Say Something?

            After graduating from Bible College in 1983, Cindy and I accepted a position in a small church. There was a couple who was part of this church with whom we built a friendship. We would get together with them on occasion and enjoyed each other’s company.             When we moved from that church, our … [Read more…]

Man to Man: PEACE

            Many people have related a recurring dream they had as children. You arrive at school and cannot remember how to get your locker open. Psychologists tell us this dream is the result of anxiety you had about being at school. Occasionally, I have an updated version of this dream. I am standing at a … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Is God Good Enough

            Some of you may be facing financial difficulty due to lost work during this pandemic. Or, you may have experienced relational difficulty with your spouse or children because you are spending so much time together being sheltered in place. Even without the struggles of COVID-19, life has its difficulties and challenges that sometimes cause … [Read more…]

Man to Man: What Do You See?

            What does tomorrow look like in our world? More specifically, what does tomorrow look like for your life and the life of your family? I can’t answer these questions, and neither can you. There is a phrase that is being bantered around these days when we discuss the future. We are being told we … [Read more…]