Man To Man: Seeking the Lost

          Have you ever lost something of extreme value? How did that make you feel? What steps did you take to find it? It is safe to assume that the greater the value of the lost item, the more diligent the search.           When I worked for our denomination, I directed a youth convention we … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Influence

          As we continue looking at the description of the Kingdom of Heaven as it exists through believers in this life, Jesus gave two of the shortest parables in all his teaching. Although they are small, they are huge in meaning. They are found in three of the four Gospels. I am going to present … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Investment

          Last week we discussed the strong reminder Jesus gives us to assure we are ready for that day when we will stand before our Lord. The point he made with the parable of the unprepared bridesmaids was that we really don’t know when that moment will come when we no longer have an opportunity … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Ready, Set…

          This week’s post is going to be a bit different. We are going to continue with a theme we began last week. We are dealing with the opportunity and responsibility of being prepared for eternity. As we discuss what it looks like to live in the Kingdom of God while still aliens or strangers … [Read more…]

Man To Man: You Are Invited

          There is a man who has lived in Ossian (as I do) with the same name as mine. When I first met him, he was the athletic director at Norwell High School. Over the years, our paths have crossed in a variety of ways. When people called directory assistance and asked for Mike Gilbert, … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Follow Through

          I don’t know about you, but I get really frustrated when people don’t follow through with tasks they tell me they will do. This problem shows itself in a variety of ways. On more than one occasion, I have contacted someone to do work on my house and have been told they would get … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Paying My Debt

          Just before I came to Murray Church as Pastor, I served on the staff of a church on the southeast side of Fort Wayne. One day, a man we didn’t know walked into our office complaining that he didn’t feel well and thought he was having a heart attack. He needed a ride to … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Weeds

          This past week, I finally got my garden planted. It’s not a huge space, but my wife and I like working together on it and enjoy the produce we receive. There is, however, one downside to the experience. WEEDS! Weeding the garden is my least favorite activity in the process. But it seems to … [Read more…]

Man To Man: A Little Dab Will Do Ya!

          I have most likely violated some copyright law with the title I’ve chosen this week. This was an advertising slogan used for a hair product designed specifically for men. Although it is still being produced in England, we don’t hear much about it here.           The point of the ad campaign was that it … [Read more…]