Man To Man: Take Care

            As we continue in our discussion of the roles of a man of God, we find some very practical instruction in the Scripture. And quite honestly, God doesn’t waste any time in pointing out what those responsibilities are.             You may be aware that in Genesis chapter 1, we have the story of creation. … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Watch Where We Walk

            When discussing the roles to which God calls us as men who are pursuing to grow in our spiritual lives, there are two distinct sides to the coin. These are what we should do, and what we shouldn’t do. We will discuss both in a variety of contexts. But before we do, we need … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Thanks!

            Through the years we have been providing the Man to Man, we have spent a lot of time discussing the character of our lives to which God calls us. Most recently, we have examined the example Jesus gives us to follow in living consistently in the will of the Father. For the next few … [Read more…]

Man To Man: The Vine

            As we complete our investigation into the words of Jesus, we find the most powerful evidence yet affirming that he is truly God. We are considering the seventh of the I AM statements of Jesus revealed in the Gospel of John. In using these statements to define his character, Jesus is showing us the … [Read more…]

Man to Man: The Good Shepherd

            As we have been discussing the consistency of our Lord, we have plunged deeply into his character which is revealed through the I AM statements recorded in the Gospel of John. Last week we looked at the declaration of Jesus that he is the Gate for the sheepfold. In this, we learned of the … [Read more…]

Man To Man: The Gate

            In the Gospel of John, Jesus continues to demonstrate his consistency as God with the next I AM statement. In John 10:7-10, he tells us, Therefore Jesus said again, “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep.8 All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Light

            Light is an amazing feature of our universe. A recognized fact is that light can travel at 186,282 miles per second. The space shuttle, traveling at its maximum speed would take about 11 hours to reach this same distance. Your family car, traveling at interstate speed driving non-stop would take 111 days to travel … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Bread of Life

            As we discussed last week, when God revealed himself as “I AM” to Moses, he gave us the most descriptive designation of his character. The word I have used to define this is consistency. I AM is eternal, omniscient, and never changing. This gives us the assurance of his dependability as we seek him … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Consistency

            As we enter the new year, I have once again chosen a word on which to focus my pursuit of a closer relationship with our Lord. My word is “consistency”. Before I discuss the reason for which I chose this word and the significance of it’s meaning, let me say a bit about the … [Read more…]