Man to Man: Adversity!

            I know of a man who had it all. He was at the top of his profession which granted him financial comfort and the respect of his peers. He was looked up to and honored for the work that he did. Although he had reached a high level of success, his life choices were … [Read more…]

Man to Man: A Message to the “Wealthy”

            You may have read this title and thought, “This doesn’t include me!” But before you hit delete, read on, and see if God may have something to say.             When you consider your net worth, what is included in your calculation? For many it would start with their investments and retirement account, a scan … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Forgive Me!

            I have been married to my gracious wife for nearly 42 years. We have three wonderful children and five grandchildren. If you are a husband, father, or grandfather, you understand how deeply you can love another person and desire the best for them. Although I work hard to assure the finest for these people … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Living Christ

            I am not a psychologist or even a trained counselor, but my ministry does require me to deal with the life problems of people from time to time. Because of this, I have done some study into some of the characteristics God designed into us at creation and how the arrival of sin into … [Read more…]

Man to Man: The Giver

            I have never been good at gift giving. I love to give, I’m just bad at choosing what to give. On our first Christmas as a married couple, I wanted to give Cindy something special. We had just gotten married in November and were still working at getting our little apartment together. So, I … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Do It Anyway

            When you read this, I should be in Rhode Island on a vacation with my wife. We flew out yesterday afternoon. Last Monday, six days before our trip, I sat down and pulled out my flight itinerary, hotel reservation confirmation, and rental car confirmation. I double checked all the dates, departure and arrival times, … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Looking Brand New

            There are times when my father would be around when a child would be disciplined with a “time out”. He would always chuckle and say, “He may be sitting down on the outside, but he’s standing up on the inside.” What he was communicating was his belief that the child was not changing his … [Read more…]

Man to Man: American Idols

            The Bible has clear prohibitions against idolatry. It made God’s top ten commandment list. We read of pagan nations building huge idols on which some even sacrificed their children by burning them alive. When you see this kind of evil, you understand God’s reasons for telling us to avoid these practices.             But do … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Why Me!?

            I know a man who has had a rough life from day one. When he was born in 1971, he weighed just 3 lbs. 10 oz. At that time, he was the smallest baby born at that hospital in Flint, Michigan to survive. At the time of his birth, his father was in the … [Read more…]