Last week we discussed the definition of a man of God as one who exemplifies the character of God. A list of these qualities which are attainable by men are listed for us by Paul in his letter to the young pastor Timothy. The first characteristic listed in 1 Timothy 3:2 is that a man must be above reproach. This simply means he has a good reputation. This does not speak of a man who is perfect or even perceived to be perfect. Instead, it is a man who is consistently and purposefully pursuing the characteristics of God listed in 1 Timothy 3. Over the next several posts, we will discuss these and the process for incorporating then into our lives.
For this discussion, I would like to focus on this question, “How do I determine if I am genuinely a man of good reputation.” From Paul’s confidence in this man Timothy, we know the Apostle considered him to qualify. This allows us to consider what people saw in Timothy and ask if the same is true of us. In speaking of Timothy in Acts 16:2, we see this description, “The believers at Lystra and Iconium spoke well of him.” In other words, he had a good reputation.
Notice three things. People were talking about Timothy. A good reputation has people sharing positive feedback with others.
Second, many people were talking. His character was recognized by a variety of individuals.
Third, people were taking about him in both Lystra and Iconium. Timothy was known for his character both at home and away from home. When these two are in alignment, you are getting a much clearer reading of a man’s inner qualities.
To evaluate where we stand in the eyes of others, we need to ask these questions:
1) Do I get positive feedback from those closest to me; my wife, children, close friends, that would indicate they see godly character in my life?
2) Do people outside my family circle seek me out and trust me with confidential information?
3) Do my relationships grow deeper with time or do people tend to drift away as they know me better?
4) Am I trusted by people as they get to know my character more deeply?
5) Am I recommended to others as a person who is dependable?
Ask these questions honestly. You may wish to ask them of your spouse or a close friend. Take the answers seriously, even if they are not what you were hoping for. Commit to pursue Christ and allow him to shore up those areas of your reputation that may be weak.
NOTE to faithful readers: Due to travel and other responsibilities, I will be re-publishing previous posts for the next few weeks. New posts will return in early October. Thank you.