You may have read this title and thought, “This doesn’t include me!” But before you hit delete, read on, and see if God may have something to say.
When you consider your net worth, what is included in your calculation? For many it would start with their investments and retirement account, a scan through their bank statements, estimates of the value of their home, car, boats, etc. And maybe a look in their wallet to see what is on hand.
However, this is not a discussion of your financial net worth, but of what you have to offer in service and ministry to others in the body of Christ. Again, we move to an evaluation, and for some, you would conclude there is not much in that vault. This is a lie of Satan.
As a Christ follower, the Spirit of God has provided you a treasure trove of resources with which you can bring glory to God by serving the Body of Christ. There are many passages in the New Testament which discuss the gifts God has provided for us to use in our relationship with the Church. In those passages, there is a promise made by God. 1 Corinthians 12:7 says it this way, “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” Notice the qualifying statement at the beginning of this verse. Now to EACH ONE. This means exactly what it says, everyone who has received redemption in Jesus Christ has received from his Holy Spirit, a gift or ability especially designed to use in building up the Body of Christ. It is created to complement your personality and fit your life circumstances. So, now comes the question, “What am I supposed to do with it?”
The answer is a simple one, you are to allow God to work through you to encourage and strengthen other believes in a way that only you can do. This does not mean everyone will preach a sermon or lead a song in church or teach a class. People who do those things are equipped for that purpose. It is likely something you do not even do on Sunday. Our gathering for worship is just a small part of what it means to be the Church. The variety of ways we can use our God given gifts to encourage others and glorify him is limited only by our willingness to step out in faith and experiment.
If God has blessed you with an ability to encourage people, take a few minutes each week and call people in the Body who may be feeling alone or discouraged. If you have a heart that burns to see people accept salvation, be purposeful in talking about your faith. If God has prospered you financially, share your surplus with someone less fortunate. If you discern a brother in Christ is struggling with temptation and being drawn away from God’s best, lovingly confront him with truth.
You may be asking how to discover the gifts God has provided. The easiest way is to step out and try different things in serving others. You will discover those times that bring you the most fulfillment and other people will affirm your effectiveness. If you don’t find your sweet spot on the first attempt, keep trying until you do. The only way to fail is to do nothing at all.
Hoarding your gifts not only robs you of the opportunity to witness God’s power in your life, but it also brings grief to God’s Spirit and leaves an important part of ministry undone. Jesus died for the Church, he just asks us to give it life through the resources he provides.