I know that our conversations over these past few weeks have been sobering and a bit difficult. However, the stakes are high in our Spiritual Warfare. This battle is between God and Satan, but we are the victims Satan is attempting to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Therefore, a strong plan of standing against his attacks and escaping from his traps is necessary.
It would be my prayer that we each have our guard up to avoid the plunge into immoral behavior. Unfortunately, it is quite certain that some have fallen and may even feel trapped with no way out. This is a lie of Satan. It is my goal over the next few weeks to help you see a means of escape. By the way, if you are one who has avoided this trap of Satan, please continue to read anyway. You may discover that you are part of the solution God has for another brother who is struggling.
There are several steps we will discuss toward moral freedom for those who have fallen. These steps are only as valuable as your willingness to practice them. I will be upfront; they are difficult and may be painful at times. I remind you that for the sake of your family and your relationship with our Lord, they are worth it. Also, please know that I am available at any time to walk this journey with you. There is nothing I would treasure more than to see the hearts of men be healed and freed to be all God wants them to be. All you need to do is ask and I will sit down with you to discuss this process.
The steps to healing we will consider are recognition, repentance, reconciliation, restitution, and restoration. As you might discern from this list, this process could take some time to complete. While I will explain each one in order, the actual fulfilment may take weeks or months. Therefore I will say again, it would be best to find another trusted man to walk through the healing process with you. If God has placed a godly family member, coworker, neighbor, or friend in your life, it may be for just a time as this.
Also, if you are married, your wife will definitely play a role in your recovery. However, she should not be your primary accountability to start. She will have her own emotions and healing to deal with.
Again, some of this is repetitive, but vital. Being trapped in an immoral behavior is not something you can simply decide to stop and get on with your life. I have had conversations with several men who have confessed to trying hard to get away from the struggle, but the lure is too strong. So I beg you, don’t try to go it alone. If you find the right helper, they will understand and not judge.
We will get started next week with the explanation of these steps and the application to your life. In the meantime, pray for God’s Spirit to do these things. 1) Ask him to show you if you are one who is trapped. Satan loves to deceive us into thinking we can handle things on our own. 2) Pray for a willing heart to do the hard work necessary to find true healing and restoration. 3) Ask God to show you someone who can walk through this process with you.
You can win this battle with a commitment on your part and the power of God’s Spirit. I don’t know who you are, but I am praying for you.