As we consider the importance of the command of Jesus to make disciples, we have spent several of these posts discussing the process. We are wrapping up this discussion with an important challenge. When someone expresses a desire to receive the gift of salvation, we need to be prepared. I realize this involves more than can be discussed on this page, but I want to give us some basics.
The first point to remember is that you may not have all the answers and that is okay. The key is to be willing to find the answers to the questions people ask. Remember, this is a process of leading people on a life and eternity altering journey. The bottom line is that salvation comes by faith. Faith is being certain of what we cannot see. This means there comes a point where we challenge people to take that step of faith, even if there are still questions in their minds. Truth becomes clearer when the Holy Spirit lives in us. Don’t be afraid of questions, but continually remind people of the need to step out in faith.
It is vital that seekers clearly understand that the message you are offering is not from you but from God. Therefore, we always take them to Scripture. There are many tools to help you in this process. Tracks such as “The Four Spiritual Laws” or “The Bridge” are very useful. I like to use “The Romans Road” since there is continuity in the entire plan of salvation being included in one book. I have Romans 3:23 written on the first page of the book in my Bible. This is where the message begins with an understanding of our sinful condition. In the margin of that verse, I have Romans 6:23 written where we learn that sin causes eternal death, but God offers the gift of life. In that margin I write the reference for the next verse and so on. This allows me to move through the Scripture without fumbling to remember where to go next. I also believe it is important to allow people to read the verses with you so they can see that the Word is purposeful and true.
Many of these aids are available online. Also, if you are local, you are free to meet with me and I will help you develop a plan of preparation. Again, if you wait until you feel fully prepared to step out and share the Gospel with someone for whom you care, Satan will always convince you that you are not ready. We need to exercise faith as well to trust God’s Spirit to give us the words when we need them.
NOTE to faithful readers: Due to travel and other responsibilities, I will be re-publishing previous posts for the next few weeks. New posts will return in early October. Thank you.