As we discussed last week, when God revealed himself as “I AM” to Moses, he gave us the most descriptive designation of his character. The word I have used to define this is consistency. I AM is eternal, omniscient, and never changing. This gives us the assurance of his dependability as we seek him in our own lives.
In the New Testament, Jesus uses this same designation to identify himself. This shows us that he is God and encompasses all the same characteristics. For those of us who have a personal relationship with Jesus through salvation by faith, this truth gives us a standard by which we can live. We are challenged to continually become more like Christ. As Christ exemplifies the consistency of God the Father, we must pursue the consistency of Christ. To do this, we must understand the practical application Jesus teaches us. In the Gospel of John, Jesus reveals four “I AM” statements that show his character more completely.
In the Gospel of John, chapter 6, we see one of the most familiar accounts of the life of Jesus. In fact, this is one of the few miracles that is recorded in all four Gospels. Jesus had again riled up the religious leaders of his day by healing a man who had been an invalid for 38 years. This act of mercy and grace angered people because he did it on the Sabbath. He had now crossed the Sea of Galilee and because of his miracle, had a large crowed following him. In his love for these people, he provided a meal for thousands of people by turning a little child’s small lunch into a feast for everyone. As they were gathering the leftovers, the twelve disciples discovered each of them had a full basket of food for himself.
Following his teaching, Jesus stayed behind to refresh and pray, but sent the disciples back across the lake in a boat. As a fierce storm arose, the disciple became terrified until Jesus came walking to them on the water and calmed the storm. All this amazing activity had unsettled the disciples a bit, so Jesus took this opportunity for an important teaching moment.
Jesus pointed out to his friends that the reason so many people were following him was because of the temporal needs he could meet. He could heal their illnesses and feed them, and this is all people wanted from him. Jesus challenges them not to simply pursue food that eventually spoils, but to seek those things that are eternal. This eternal gift comes to them through faith in him who is the I AM.
Although the people did not understand all he was offering and were still thinking about the struggles of this life, Jesus gives them a message of ultimate hope. In John 6:35, we read, Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
The truth Jesus is teaching is clear. It is easy to get so caught up in trying to make it through this life, that we forget to consistently seek what Jesus can provide for our eternity. As the bread of life, the one who secures our eternity, Jesus has fulfilled everything for which we could ever hope. This promise is secured by the truth that he is the I AM!
For you and me, there are some take aways in this truth that will help us be consistent in our relationship with Jesus. It is a matter of focus. What is most important to us as we go through our day. Evaluate time spent in pursuing work, interests, and hobbies that bring you pleasure or meet needs in this life. These are not evil pursuits. However, if they do not allow time to seek the true Bread of Life, we are like the people who followed Jesus just to get what they wanted. We are challenged to be consistent in seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness. In this new year, what would need to be adjusted in your life to spend just a few minutes every day seeking eternal truth from our Lord?