My parents lived in the same house for 53 years. My dad built it himself, much of it from lumber gleaned from tearing down an old barn. It was small, but functional. It was not the fanciest house in the area, but it was home. It was the only house I lived in from birth until I left it on my wedding day.
In the 45 years we have been married, Cindy and I have lived in eight different houses or apartments. All were rentals except the last two, which we owned. We have lived in our current home for 24 years and plan to stay there for the rest of our earthly lives if our Lord allows it.
I mention all this to remind us of something important. For many people, their home is important to them. It is a place of safety and can provide comfort in times of stress. Home is where family gathers and memories are created. Therefore, choosing where we live is significant.
With this being said, in Ephesians we learn that God’s Holy Spirit has CHOSEN us to be his home! Ephesians 2:22, And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. When we receive the free gift of salvation by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus, his Spirit moves into our lives.
When Jesus cried “It is finished!” from the Cross, the curtain in the Temple was torn from top to bottom. This curtain was what separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Temple. This was the dwelling place of God. The tearing could only have been done by the hand of God. This was God’s means of showing us that his dwelling place, or home, would no longer be in one place. He needed to find a new home. In Acts 2, we read that his new home would be in the life of each believer. This is affirmed in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
With this amazing truth confirmed, what does this mean for you and me? Most importantly, it allows me instant and continual access to God. I do not have to search for him or get his attention, he is always there. A prayer simply crossing our minds is heard and responded to. He knows each thought and feeling. He experiences those times of joy and our sorrows with us. Psalm 139:1-5 paints a great picture of this truth, O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord. 5 You hem me in–behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.
Although we enjoy the advantages of the closeness of our Lord, we must also be aware of the expectations that come with this privilege. Paul gave us a bit of this responsibility in the passage from 1 Corinthians above where he said, Therefore honor God with your body. It is in our own homes where people know us best. They see our faults and struggles more clearly than co-workers and friends. Home is where the mask comes off! However, since God does not simply live with us, but lives in us, he sees those thoughts and actions of our lives that no one else can see. This should be a motivation for us to assure that our holy Lord is honored. This is not a reminder to avoid sin so that we avoid God’s wrath, which is a different conversation. Instead, we must be aware of what we think, what we say and do, where we go, what we read or view on the internet. Each experience we have, we take God with us.
If you are a believer, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, our Holy Lord is not an occasional guest in your life, but he is a permanent resident. He never leaves us. This truth should be a source of comfort and peace.