If you have chosen to pursue a godlike character with your whole heart, there is a good chance you have attracted the attention of Satan who is not pleased. This may result in an upswing in the number and intensity of his attacks in your life. If you have not already, you will undoubtedly experience times of difficulty and uncertainty in your faith journey. There will be situations when your trust in our Lord may be put to the test.
There are two primary outcomes to these attacks. You can become despondent and question God further which could result in a serious blow to your goal of godliness. Or, you can choose to cling to what you know to be true, even when it doesn’t appear to be. The decision as to your direction is in your court to make.
By the way, this is a choice that needs to be settled BEFORE you are in the middle of the battle. It’s like the shortstop who fields the sharp ground ball and then looks around to see who is on base. By the time he determines to whom the throw should go, the play is over, and the runners are safe. If we wait until we are buried in the battle, Satan already has the upper hand.
The following truth is the foundation of your preparedness for the onslaught from Satan. God’s Word is an immovable anchor in times of storm. This is not simply a nice saying; it is an essential truth. Circumstances come and go. People are sometimes unreliable and may or may not be there for you. However, the truth of Scripture is solid and never changing.
When Joshua was preparing to lead Israel into the Promised Land, he knew he would face the strongest opposition his nation had ever encountered. He sought encouragement and instruction from God, and this is what he received as recorded in Joshua 1:7-8 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. To meditate on Scripture means to spend enough time there to walk away with new insight. Answer these questions about each section you study. “What was intended for the people to whom it was written to understand and act on? What is God saying to me through his Holy Spirit as I study this passage? How should my thoughts, actions, attitudes, etc., be impacted by what I am studying?” When these questions are answered, don’t just walk away with the information, act on them.