We are continuing our discussions of spiritual disciplines. These are purposeful choices that I make as a man wishing to pursue a strong relationship with God through Jesus. In this post, we will talk about a discipline that seems to be a bit unnerving to many men who profess a faith in Christ. As his disciples, we are instructed to make disciples. In some of his final words on earth before ascending back to the Father in Heaven, Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
This does not mean we all have to move to Africa and become missionaries. If this is what God challenges you to do, do it. However, for most of us, this command is simply to make sure we are representing Jesus “as we go” throughout the activities of this life.
We often use terms such as “sharing our faith” or “witnessing for Jesus”, and these are fine but often cause panic. Instead, I would like us to look at this opportunity through a bit of a different grid. Jesus modeled this perfectly. He did have a few situations in which he preached a sermon or gathered people for a specific purpose. But most of his ministry was simply his interaction with people in the normal flow of life. In our culture, this is a very valuable and purposeful means of showing people the importance of a relationship with Jesus.
This requires us to keep a couple of things in mind. First, we must assure that everything we do, rather in word or deed, we do for the glory of God. We need to keep our focus on who we are in Christ and live in a manner that reflects positively on Jesus and the transformation he makes in a believer. Secondly, we need to be ready to give an answer for the faith we own. I believe it is important for every believer to have a tool at their disposal that will help them move a person who is seeking Jesus to come to a place of accepting him as savior. There are many tools available – The Romans Road, Four Spiritual Laws, etc.
Although the tool is important, the starting point is always your own story. Being willing to recount your own spiritual journey and the impact it has had on your life and eternity may be just what that friend, co-worker, or family member needs to encourage them to seek a relationship with Jesus. I (Pastor Mike) would love to sit down with you and help you in this process if there is someone in your life whom you are wanting to see come to faith in Christ.
The starting point is always prayer. Identify a person you care about who doesn’t know Christ. Demonstrate the love of Christ as you strengthen your relationship with them. Commit to consistent and fervent prayer for them. Ask God to soften their hearts and draw them to himself. Pray that you will be sensitive to God’s Spirit in showing you what to say to help them see the importance of Jesus in their lives. Ask God to help you find favor in their lives, so the door is always open for you to model Jesus.
One last thought. Most of the other disciplines had an advantage to our own spiritual journey. “What’s in it for me if I am obedient to our Lord in purposefully making disciples?” One advantage is that if I am constantly aware of how others view my walk with Jesus, I am going to be more consistent in seeking to strengthen that relationship. Also, this commitment causes me to go to the Scripture more aggressively to assure I have an answer to give or to find answers when I don’t know. But the most important benefit is that the only thing we can take with us to heaven is another disciple that we have been instrumental in leading to Jesus. This is the foundation of the Gospel.