I have been called many names in my life; some I won’t repeat here! I am called Pastor by many. I am Uncle Mike to some, Pappy to five, and my wife also has some names she uses which will remain private. But of all the names used for me, one that I love the most is Dad. And although my daughters are both in their thirties, they still call me Daddy.
I know some who are reading this may not be a father, but I want to zero in this week on those who are. As we discuss the roles God gives to men, few have more significance than fatherhood. From the moment a child is born until you pass from this earth, your responsibilities, and privileges of influencing your children never end. The role changes over time, but never goes away.
It is significant to note that the name of Father is one God uses for himself to define his relationship with us. This gives us the perfect example to follow in this task that falls to us. Knowing God’s character teaches us that Father’s provide protection and care, but also have the responsibility of justice and discipline. In his variety of roles of comfort, provision, correction, and even discipline, God always models a heart of love.
One of the most meaningful opportunities Dads have with their children is the role of teacher. Again, this responsibility never ends. As you know, teaching takes many forms. There is the specific instruction which can be useful in establishing proper behavior, responsibilities that need to be cared for, and truth that will shape character. Teaching also takes the form of discipline at times to reveal the consequences of not following through with those things that are taught. But the most important means of teaching our children is through example. We dare not tell our children not to lie, then let them see us be dishonest in our dealings with others. We can’t teach them kindness but have them see us be harsh and uncaring with their mom. At all ages, people are more influenced by what they see and experience than what they are told.
God’s instruction to fathers is seen throughout the Scripture. One teaching was so vital that people were instructed to wear it on their bodies as a constant reminder of their God given role. This is found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
God reinforces the importance of our example by first commanding that our focus is on loving and serving him with every ounce of our being. This comes before any instruction to teach. I can never inspire anyone to a level higher than I have attained myself. Being a godly dad begins with being a godly man!
God then gives us specific instruction on how to teach his truth to our children. Impressing them on our children is the verbal teaching of God’s truth, helping them understand the importance of that truth to their lives. This is not simply a Bible study or reading a story at bedtime. God’s truth needs to penetrate every moment of our day. How does God feel about the homework being done and turned in on time? Does God love me even when I make three errors in a game and strike out? What does God think of the friends I have? Does it matter to God who I date? As a dad, our reaction to these situations is a representation of how they see God.
After affirming the truth through teaching, we are told to bind these truths to our hands, foreheads, and doorposts. This is reminder that our actions (hands), our thoughts, (foreheads), and homelife (doorposts and gates) must all reflect the truth of God we want our children to live.
Being a dad is an awesome opportunity but also comes with a great deal of responsibility. Fortunately, we have the best model and coach in the universe, our Heavenly Father.