We continue our discussion of the importance for a man of God to be morally pure. This is for our protection, the health and safety of our families, and ultimately, to bring glory to our Lord. We will continue our discussion on the process of avoiding a fall into moral failure. Later, we will discuss ways of freeing ourselves from situations if we have already fallen.
Last week we discussed the importance of being fully submitted to God as our best defense against the temptations of Satan. In truth, the best way to push Satan’s attacks out of our lives is to put more of God in them. Picture a water pitcher full of muddy water. It is impossible to get the mud out of the water by simply trying to extract it. The only way to clear the cloudiness of the mud is to add more pure water to the pitcher and let the muddy water flow out. This is the picture of our spiritual battle with Satan. Pursuing God pushes Satan away.
There are some very effective practices that will move us in this direction. Before we unpack those, we need to understand two things. If these practices are to have a positive impact on our character and actions, we must first make a firm commitment to do them. Secondly, we must follow-up on that commitment with action. These are obvious steps; however, Satan loves to get in the way.
In Matthew 13, Jesus relates a parable of a farmer sowing seed in four different types of soil. This represents the message of grace we receive that leads to salvation. In the story, he gives a warning that only 25% of the seed that begins to grow comes to full fruit. In each case, it is because the distractions of this life become more important than the tending to the seed of faith.
The message of this post is simple, but extremely profound in its importance. If we want to allow God to have more of our life. If we want his holiness to “wash out” the mud of Satan’s attacks, we must commit the time and energy required to invite him in. We must then follow up with that commitment.
God has given us an amazing gift to allow this to happen. We have his written Word that contains everything we need for a full life and an assurance of eternity. He also has provided his Holy Spirit who will help us understand and apply the Word. Finally, we have access to Him through prayer.
To follow through with the commitment to draw near to God will require a discipline of using these tools to the best advantage. To make this a priority requires us to schedule a time each day to seek God. We must hold this “appointment” with God at the highest priority. If we try to simply work it into out day, Satan will assure that does not happen consistently.
As you approach God’s Word, begin with a time of prayer, asking God to show you something in his Word that will reveal more of his character to you. Always read with this question in mind, “So what?” What difference will this make. Don’t get discouraged. There may be times the answer does not come quickly or easily. This is a discipline that may require time before you learn to see God’s purpose. There is no right amount of Scripture to read. If you hear is voice in a verse, reflect on that. If you need to read more, do it. This is not an assignment to be completed, but an opportunity to be grasped. Over time, God will open your eyes more and more to his truth.