I remember it as if it were yesterday, even though it occurred nearly nine years ago. I was sitting in a meeting with a group of three other pastor’s waiting for the person responsible for the leadership of the event to show up. We knew he was in the building and had taken a phone call, but we did not know what was happening. After a long wait, he entered the room, and we could tell something was terribly wrong. When he gained his composure, he told us he had just spoken to the wife of one of our colleagues in ministry. She revealed that she had just learned her husband was involved in an affair with another woman.
I was devastated. This guy is a friend of mine. I have preached in his church on multiple occasions. He and his wife traveled with Cindy and I when we toured Israel and Jordan. We had shared meals together. I had no clue anything like this could ever have become part of his life.
A few weeks later, we had an opportunity to interact, and he said something I will never forget. He said, “I never thought this could ever happen to me. I didn’t believe I was capable of this kind of behavior.”
This was a sobering comment. It made me stop and evaluate my own life. As men who are pursuing godliness, it is a wake up call we need to give our attention too. Satan is a powerful force of evil and wants nothing more than to destroy the lives of men who proclaim the name of Jesus. If he can discredit our lives, he discredits Jesus.
God recognizes this potential and warns us on multiple occasions. In Jeremiah 17:9, God sounds this alarm, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” In this one sentence, God sums up the battle each man faces each moment of each day. Because of the sin of Adam, we all have a sin nature, a tendency toward self-satisfaction and pride. Left uncontrolled, we are all capable of some horrendous acts. There is a constant battle taking place in our spirits between this sin nature and the power of God’s Holy Spirit. It is our will that has a large part in determining the outcome.
Therefore, as men of God, we need to stand up to the enemy and allow the power of God’s Spirit to gain control. This requires several steps on our part. First, never allow Satan to deceive us into thinking we are not capable of vile sin. “I didn’t think it could happen to me!” is a lie Satan tells us to get us to let down our guard. Second, recognize those areas where Satan is attacking the hardest. It may be different for each of us. You may not face sexual temptation as intensely as others, but may fight greed or anger. These may be where Satan attacks. Evaluate your vulnerability to better be prepared when the attack comes.
Also, be careful what you allow to go into your mind. Satan always attacks the mind before he attacks the actions. Put some strong protections on what you view on the internet. Be careful what your read or see on TV or movies. What may seem like harmless entertainment could be seed Satan is attempting to plant in your mind that could lead to a destructive life choice.
Most importantly, consistently fill your mind and heart with the truth of God. Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
The stakes are high. In a single act of sin, Satan can destroy our reputation, our career, our family, and our ability to be salt and light for God’s Kingdom. Stand strong. Be alert. Resist the Devil and he will flee.