In this week’s post, we will continue our discussion on the need for and importance of repentance when struggling with a moral failure in our lives. We’ve discussed the vital step of seeking forgiveness of sin from our Lord. We looked at the idea of turning from our move away from God to a desire to seek him once again. Last week we saw that this process of turning requires us to change our mind about the direction we are heading. A practical step in doing is to practice God’s instruction given in Roman’s 12:1-2, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship.2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
This is a very helpful directive to assist us in understanding that changing our mind about the appropriateness of sin goes deeper than simply saying I won’t do it anymore. The passage begins with the call to sacrifice. A biblical sacrifice is something that is placed on an altar and put to death. This must be done with our sinful thoughts and actions. It begins with a decision that our love and commitment to our Lord is of more value than our sin. On the surface, it is easy to say, “Of course I love God more!” However, we need to dig deeper to assure we are getting to the root issue and sacrificing it.
This is where we need to do some intense soul searching. What caused me to pursue fulfillment in an immoral way? What need in my life was I trying to satisfy? It could be unmet physical needs in your marriage relationship that caused you to seek another outlet. We will address this more deeply when we get to the discussion of reconciliation. Here, I will simply remind us that God’s best is to find delight in our spouse. This may mean a frank discussion about our relationship, or it may cause us to adjust our expectations.
Often, the above excuse is a starting point to avoid a greater need. God has placed in men a deep need for affirmation. We need to know that we are important to someone and have value. If this is lacking in our family, social, or work relationships, we may seek it elsewhere. The woman on the computer will not reject you and will tell you that you are everything she dreams of. Those are only words with no relationship to back them. Here is where you need to get alone with God and ask him to reveal what is lacking in your life. If there are feelings of inadequacy, they need to go on the altar of God’s grace and be put to death.
Once those are submitted to our Lord, spend several days renewing your mind with Ephesians chapters 1 and 2. As you read this over several times, write down all the ways God values you that are listed. Some examples to get you started: As a child of God, I am chosen, I am adopted as a son, I am forgiven, I am given an inheritance, I am sealed by God’s Holy Spirit, I am made alive in Christ, I am seated with Christ in heavenly places. There are many more qualities listed in those chapters. Next time Satan tells you to seek fulfillment in sin, take out this list and remind yourself you don’t need his fulfilment when God has done so much more. The more you do this, the easier it is to keep those appetites dead on the altar.