I want to begin with the reminder that the process of restoration following a moral failure can be a long and difficult one. The steps we are discussing are all necessary but may not happen quickly. Don’t give up. Restoration is worth every ounce of energy and commitment necessary to make it happen. Also, remember that some of these steps may overlap.
We must constantly seek God’s help in recognizing sin in our life and revealing the impact that sin has had on ourselves as well as others. As we recognize these issues, we must have an attitude of repentance. We must be ready to turn from our sin and pursue our Lord.
Reconciliation and restitution are never ending necessities as we work toward full restoration. Let me clarify. Satan will always place doubt in our minds as to our worthiness before God. This happens to all of us but is more intense for those who have had a moral failure. We must understand that our repentance before God is complete. Our sin is forgiven and forgotten. This allows us to rest in him without concern for our standing in his presence.
However, repentance with people who have been harmed by our choices may be an ongoing process. Satan does not only remind us of our failures, but he also loves to foster mistrust and feelings of offense in the lives of others. We may genuinely be repentant and committed to forsaking our sin, but the pain of that sin may put this into question in the minds of others. This means our efforts at restoring the broken human relationships may need to be repeated. Be patient and trust God to work in the lives of people to see the changes God makes in your life.
This brings us to the need for restitution. This word is generally defined as paying back something taken without consent. If the sin involves the taking of money or other real property, the process of restitution is straightforward. A repayment plan is agreed upon and followed through with. However, if the sin involves sexual immorality, the cost to the victims may be far harder to identify.
One indisputable cost is the loss of trust. Trust is something that is offered by someone out of love or affection. Initially, it does not need to be earned. However, broken trust is much harder to restore. To add to the problem is the understanding that many people may have been affected by our sin. This will require restitution to many people, each taking a different path.
To gain a complete understanding of what is required of everyone who has dealt with loss may take a counselor or outside source to fully uncover. This is especially true if the sin involved a relationship with another individual such as adultery. The “other woman” is by no means guiltless, but they have also suffered loss. Obviously, spouses and children need to be a concern. If the offense involves pornography, the focus may be just close family members.
With all sin involving people in the body of Christ, the people of the Church and the Lord himself are also victims who experience the pain of disappointment and betrayal. Although there is nothing we need to “pay back” to our Lord once we have repented, the Church will be impacted.
Next week, we will break down the different ones who may need to be considered for restitution and begin to outline how this can be accomplished.