As we continue in our discussion of the roles of a man of God, we find some very practical instruction in the Scripture. And quite honestly, God doesn’t waste any time in pointing out what those responsibilities are.
You may be aware that in Genesis chapter 1, we have the story of creation. God then chooses to repeat the account in chapter 2, adding more details. There is one verse in this chapter that doesn’t get much attention, but is significant, both in its content and in the context in which we find it. The verse is Genesis 2:15, The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. We know God gave the Garden of Eden to Adam for his sustenance and pleasure. We also need to note what God instructed Adam to do once he settled in the Garden. He is “to work it and take care of it.”
At the very beginning of time, God gave the responsibility of working to men. I said the content of the command was important, but also the context. Notice what has taken place prior to this injunction for man to work. Most of creation was completed. I say most, because God has not yet created woman. It is important to note this timing. Since Eve was not on the scene, the command to work and care for the garden would most likely be only to the man.
The other important contextual note in the timing of this command for man to work is that it takes place before the sin of Adam and Eve recorded in chapter 3 of Genesis. In other words, work is not the consequence of sin in the world, but a part of God’s original plan of perfection. Work is not punishment but an opportunity to honor God with our productivity.
Throughout the rest of Scripture, you see men in roles of leadership and responsibility. In the New Testament we learn that man is to be head of the home as Christ is head of the Church. This has often been misused as an excuse for a man to be a dominating presence. This is not God’s intent. Headship comes with accountability. Putting together the truth of Genesis 2:15 with the role of headship puts a great deal of responsibility on the shoulders of a man who chooses to pursue a godly life.
The Apostle Paul, in his instruction to a young pastor, Timothy, says this, If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. These are strong words. This shows the importance God places on the role of provider that falls on the shoulders of men as the designated heads of our homes. There is no room for laziness. There is no place for selfishness. There is not room for neglect or abuse of our position. God is clear; as men, we have a big job and a high level of accountability.
However, we don’t need to see this as a burden, but we can understand it as a blessing. Remember, God instructed Adam to work as part of his perfect, sinless creation. Therefore, we know that God’s intent was for this to be a fulfilling activity. Part of a man’s God-ordained qualities is the desire for significance, to be needed by others. God has paired this need with a perfect means of fulfilling it – support those under your care by hard work. It is another example of a win/win offered by God. Some of you may be reading this before heading off to work on Monday morning. Take a moment to thank our Lord for the opportunity to work and the privilege of providing for those you love. Do this every day and watch God bring joy to your work experience.