When you hear the word “worship”, what comes to mind. For many it is the twenty minutes of a Sunday morning service before the sermon. It’s a time of corporate music and prayer preparing our minds and spirits to receive the message.
Although this is one opportunity to worship our Lord, if we are limited to this experience, we miss much of what God intends for our life. We are often commanded in Scripture to worship. Psalm 29:2, Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. Jesus affirmed this expectation in his encounter with Satan in Mathew 4:10, Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’”
If we are to understand this command, we need to understand what worship is. True worship is defined by the priority we place on who God is in our lives and where God is on our list of priorities. True worship is a matter of the heart. It is an expression of our love and devotion to the Creator. Although we express our worship through activity, it finds its origin deep within our soul and pours out directly to the heart of God. It is an intimate connection with a holy God.
We are most familiar with the opportunities for corporate worship as we discussed above. But just singing or listening to the music does not constitute true worship. Our spirits must be engaged, and the words must be an expression of our inner desire to tell God what we think of him. Again, corporate worship is not only something that can be done during music or prayer. As the Word is proclaimed, we can worship God in the quietness of our hearts.
Since worship is not only an activity, but a lifestyle of expressing our adoration to God, we need to find creative ways to worship as we go about our daily lives. We can have personal and private worship experiences any place at any time. To do this, we must discover how we are best equipped to express our love for God.
For some, music is still the answer. Listening to God honoring music as you work or relax is a great way to worship. For others, personal worship is best accomplished through reading and meditating on Scripture. Reading books, blogs, or articles other than the Bible can also lead to worship. Pod casts and books on tape may allow you worship opportunities as you go about your day.
Personal prayer is always a good choice. Spending time in conversation with God allows us time to tell him how great he is and why this is important to us. If you choose this form of worship, make sure to leave times of silence where God has a chance to impress his love for you on your mind and spirit.
A walk in nature may be a means you can employ to worship. This is one of my personal favorites. I love to go to the state park and walk the trails where I can enjoy the beauty of God’s creation and praise him.
If you are artistic, use your favorite medium to express your adoration and praise. You can worship through acts of service to others, both those in the family of God and those who are yet to accept God’s gift. Giving can also be an avenue toward worship.
The methods of worship are as broad as our imaginations. The key is to find a means of expressing your appreciation for who God is and what he has done that fits your personality and is sustainable. Experiment! Try new things. Allow God to direct you toward a solution for you. When you find a pattern of regular worship of God throughout your week, you will see an improvement of your attitude and a new sense of joy and peace.