Man To Man: End Of Year Encouragement

            Over the past few years, I have chosen a word at the beginning of the year on which I would focus my attention and study. For 2021, I chose the word “HOPE”. Following are a few of the discoveries I have made concerning this important truth. Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, … [Read more…]

Man To Man: The Best Gift

            It’s just days ahead of the biggest gift giving day of the year. This is a time when I get a bit frustrated because I am not good at choosing gifts for people. Over the years, I have bought gifts I believed would wow the socks off the one who received them only to … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Shhhh!

            It has been said that God gave us two ears and only one mouth because he intends for us to listen more than we speak. Although I don’t know that this was God’s design plan, I do know there is some wisdom in the adage. In fact, spending time in silence is a discipline … [Read more…]

Man To Man: I Got Your Back

            I have a very good friend who I meet with every week for breakfast. We have lost track of how long this has been going on, but it is probably close to 25 years. We have been good friends for over 40 years. Some days we talk about sports or current events, other days … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Let’s Get Out There

            We are continuing our discussions of spiritual disciplines. These are purposeful choices that I make as a man wishing to pursue a strong relationship with God through Jesus. In this post, we will talk about a discipline that seems to be a bit unnerving to many men who profess a faith in Christ. As … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Thanks

            As you might have assumed, the discipline we are discussing this week is thankfulness. However, this is not simply a reminder to be grateful for our family, provision of our home and food, etc. This discussion is coming from the perspective of a spiritual discipline. This is an action that increase our focus and … [Read more…]

Man To Man: No Showing Off

            Let me tell you about some of the wonderful things I have done in my life. I’m sure you will be impressed…I mean blessed. I was driving in Michigan with my family on a snowy evening and saw a car ahead of me slide on the ice into the ditch. Without concern for my … [Read more…]

Man To Man – What’s Mine Is Yours

            I love to give gifts to people. The problem is, I’m terrible at remembering birthdates, anniversaries, etc. Even those of my own children sometimes sneak up on me. I am grateful for a conscientious wife who is very good at this and will prompt me.             This is simply a reminder that to be … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Tell Me About It

            We have been discussing disciplines that are necessary for men who are pursuing a growing relationship with Jesus. As we continue this conversation, we come to a practice that is difficult for most men. We are challenged to a discipline of confession.             Proverbs 28:13 says, He who conceals his sins does not prosper, … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Worship

            When you hear the word “worship”, what comes to mind. For many it is the twenty minutes of a Sunday morning service before the sermon. It’s a time of corporate music and prayer preparing our minds and spirits to receive the message.             Although this is one opportunity to worship our Lord, if we … [Read more…]