Man To Man: Full Throttle

            I have read that a Boing 747 jet, fully fueled and loaded with passengers weighs about 500 tons. That’s a million pounds. Having a bit of an understanding of the law of gravity, common sense tells us that something that heavy should not be able to ever leave the ground. However, the law of … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Father

            I don’t often do this, but I am going to speak to a limited audience this week. Everyone is free to read this, however, I want to be right up front. This message is primarily for those of you who are fathers, grandfathers, or hope to be fathers at some point.             God has … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Live Generously

            I have said before that I had a great home growing up. My parents were devoted followers of Christ and taught me how to love him as well. However, if you look at my childhood with the measuring stick of this world, it wasn’t all that great.             My dad was a hard worker … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Peace

            Several years ago, I took over a ministry which required several volunteers. I inherited much of the staff from the previous director, which, for the most part, worked out well. However, one of the key people on the team created a bit of a problem. He was constantly argumentative and difficult to get along … [Read more…]

Man To Man: It’s Not Fair

            As a dad, I heard this phrase many times. I am certain most of us have. “It’s not fair.” It may be one child’s scoop of ice cream is bigger than his sisters, or your teen is not allowed to go to the party when “everybody else will be there!” Or you may have … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Not Me!

            I remember it as if it were yesterday, even though it occurred nearly nine years ago. I was sitting in a meeting with a group of three other pastor’s waiting for the person responsible for the leadership of the event to show up. We knew he was in the building and had taken a … [Read more…]

Man To Man: To Be Or Not

            Are you a doer or a becomer? A clearer way of asking this question is, “Are you most concerned about what people see you accomplish, or do you care more about being known for a strong character?” The two pursuits are not mutually exclusive. You can focus on being a person of strong character … [Read more…]

Man to Man: GRRRR!!

            With Father’s Day comes a bunch of memories of my dad. He has now been gone for nearly eleven years. Although he was by no means perfect, the work of God in his life was evident. Dad was a first-generation Christ follower which simply means he didn’t grow up in a godly home. Because … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Its All Mine

            I had a friend during my teen years that had suffered a rough childhood. His mother left the family when he was very young. As a teen, he had no memory of her at all. When he was still a small child, his father also abandoned him. Although he knew who his father was … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Controlled

            When I was a kid, I had two friends, Tim, and Dave Collier, who were brothers. Our families had been friends for years, but they lived over two hours away from us, so we didn’t visit often. When we did, we would usually spend the weekend with them or they with us. I always … [Read more…]