Man To Man
No new post this week. Enjoy Memorial Day
No new post this week. Enjoy Memorial Day
A few years ago, a man who had chosen to leave the church, asked for an appointment. We set a time for him to come in. I didn’t know what he had on his mind but was certain he was coming to seek my sage advice and wise counsel. But when he arrived, something … [Read more…]
I am not telling you anything new here, but our world has become a hectic place where we are expected to be constantly busy. I am old enough to remember days without computers on every desk. There were no fax machines or even decent copy machines. If you were not in the office or … [Read more…]
We have neighbors who are pre-believers. They moved in about two years ago. They are a blended family with five children between them. Some days, there are no children around, other days, the kids are running everywhere. Something else you need to know about my neighbors. They have never asked where I work, … [Read more…]
The owl has been considered to be wise since before recorded history. No one is certain as to why this is true. The best explanation is related to their appearance. Their large eyes and stoic demeanor seem to indicate deep thought. Also, ancient peoples believed they had an “inner light” because they could see … [Read more…]
You can’t listen to media for long without hearing of another mass shooting or a protest over the use of force by authorities. If these aren’t difficult enough to handle, we also see open hostility in our governmental system resulting in shouting matches and threats of physical violence. Add to this the confusion and … [Read more…]
Last week we discussed the importance of maintaining moral purity. This is necessary as a means of preserving the reputation of Christ and his Church. But God also gives us this directive for our personal protection as well. The loss of moral purity could result in the loss of trust from those we care … [Read more…]
I have a friend who I once held as a bit of a mentor. He was definitely an encourager over the years. We both pastored churches where we have served for many years. He started a few years ahead of me in ministry and his church was a different size, but those things didn’t … [Read more…]
I am writing this a few days ahead of the Monday morning publishing date and happened to realize it is a special day. If my mom had not died, today would have been her ninety-second birthday. In fact, tomorrow would have been my dad’s ninety-fourth birthday. I think of them often and even though … [Read more…]
If you are married and a sports fan, you may relate to my dilemma. When I’m watching an athletic event on television, my wife makes the ridiculous claim that my choice to yell at the officials makes absolutely no difference in the outcome of the game. Well, she may have a point, but it … [Read more…]