Man To Man: Grumpy Old Men

            A few years ago, I had the privilege of officiating the funeral of an 89-year-old man whom I had known for many years. He was always a pleasant man and had produced many endearing memories for his family and friends. One of the things he did that always made me smile was talk about … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Goals

(Note: the following discussion was influenced by a blog from Daniel Henderson)             As the calendar changes to a new year, we often consider changes we can make in our families, health, careers, etc. Some call these New Years Resolutions, but I prefer to refer to them as goals. Setting goals is important for several … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Giving

            Tis the season to spend way too much on gifts that possibly will go unused and unappreciated. I know, this is a bit cynical, but it comes from years of experience of watching children and grandchildren get all excited when opening things they had begged for, only to see these items set aside after … [Read more…]

Man To Man: The WORD!

            We are told that on average, we speak around 15,000 words per day. I assume that during this time of disconnect on our world, many of those words are transmitted electronically as opposed to orally. However, my purpose in bringing this up is still valid. If we are spending this much time in communication … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Working Together

            I am writing this on Monday, November 23, 2020, for publication on Monday, November 30. This is day five of my quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19. I enjoy my wife’s company and we have not driven each other too crazy, but other than her, I have seen few people. We were able to … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Giving God A “Hand” Part 3

            We are continuing our discussion of spiritual gifts. These are special abilities God provides for his children. We have discovered that each true Christ follower will supernaturally receive at least one gift and probably more. Also, God is the one who decides which gifts go to which individual based on his all-knowing wisdom. The … [Read more…]