Man to Man: OUCH!

            I don’t know about you guys but is seems as though struggles in my life come in bunches. Something at home usually breaks down about the time I am sick, the car is acting up, and there is a crisis in the life of another family member or church attendee. I get some light … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Sowing and Reaping

            You have probably heard the phrase, “you reap what you sow”. Although I understand the concept, in principle, it is untrue. I’m not a farmer, but I know some farmers and I drive by farms often (at least I used to before I had to work from home all the time!). The truth is, … [Read more…]

Man to Man: What’s Happening?

            I looked at my wife last evening and said quite loudly, “I LIKE NORMAL!” Unfortunately, nothing fits the category of normal in our world right now. Many of us have altered work schedules or kids we need to care for because they are not in school. For some, it’s nothing more than the inconvenience … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Usefulness

            I want you to think about your most prized possession. Not a person, they are not possessions. It’s okay to feel good about something you own. It may be your car, home, something you use for recreation, a boat or golf clubs; something you use for a hobby or even your work.             When … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Important Resources

            If you have chosen to pursue a godlike character with your whole heart, there is a good chance you have attracted the attention of Satan who is not pleased. This may result in an upswing in the number and intensity of his attacks in your life. If you have not already, you will undoubtedly … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Doing It His Way

            If you have children or have been around kids when they are arguing, your have probably heard a phrase something like this, “You’re not the boss of me!” Our independence and offense at others telling us what to do starts at an early age. This tendency seems to follow us our entire lives. I … [Read more…]

Man to Man: You Have A Purpose

            As we endeavor to be godly men, we must constantly seek to understand the character of God more fully. It is his character that determines his interaction with us. But the process is more involved than reading the Bible and evaluating what God does. This is a great place to put time and energy, … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Slow Down

            Several years ago, some of the technology we now take for granted was just beginning to become available for the average person’s use. Some of you may chuckle at this, but I remember when cell phones, the internet, texting, and even email were only things the high-tech people had. One of the claims of … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Let’s Talk

            In 1997, I was asked to lead a team of youth workers on a trip to India to train leaders in the Missionary Church of India. We visited Calcutta, New Delhi, and held our training in the village of Raghunathpur. One of the aspects of the trip I was most looking forward to, was … [Read more…]