Man To Man: Panting and Watering

            As harvest is coming to a close, we are reminded that Scripture often uses farming analogies to make spiritual applications. One of these instances is in 1 Corinthians 3. The Apostle Paul is addressing another of the various problems that existed in this struggling church. This one deals with men who were fighting with … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Prayer

            Over the years of writing these posts, I have discussed the importance of prayer on many occasions. However, since it is a foundational element of our spiritual journey, we are going to head that way again. Please do not stop reading because you have heard it all before. We are going to discover an … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Restfulness

            As we continue to look at what it means to be a man who represents God well, we come to a discussion that may not seem to fit. If you are like me, you have been taught that a man is to be hard working and driven toward success. Acceptance is often based on … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Standing in the Gap

            When one of my children was small, she was not a fan of clowns, team mascots, Halloween costumes, or anything that covered the face of someone near her. Evan face paint freaked her out. The giant rat at Chuck-E-Cheese sent her into a complete panic.             Her reaction to this fear was often to … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Courage

            I grew up in the 60’s and early 70’s. This was a stressful time in our nation. The Vietnam conflict was raging with daily news reports of the number of soldiers who were dying in the jungles of Asia. At home, people were rioting and protesting everything, including the war. Even my little hometown … [Read more…]

Man To Man – Being A Real Man

            Real men don’t wear pink! Real men don’t cry! Real men are always tough! Real men… The world has much to say about what defines a real man. Even as a young person, I remember the image of the Marlborough man, sitting astride his horse on top of the hill. In his cowboy hat, … [Read more…]

Man to Man – Loving What is Good

NOTE: Due to scheduling issues, this week’s post is a repeat from several years ago.                 When you hear this phrase, “He loves what is good” is there a name or a face that comes to mind? Notice that I didn’t say, “He DOES what is good.” These are very different characteristics. We can do … [Read more…]

Man to Man – Godliness Begins At Home

NOTE: Due to scheduling issues, this week’s post is a repeat from several years ago.             Through the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul told his protégé, Timothy that a measure of a man’s godliness is seen in how well he manages his family. This is not surprising since the mandate of Jesus … [Read more…]