Man To Man: Repentance Part 3

          As we continue to discuss recovery from a moral failure, we have learned there are five steps in the healing process we will need to pursue. Each are vital if we are to experience complete restoration before God and in the heart and minds of those we have wronged. These steps are recognition, repentance, … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Repentance Part 2

          In our last post, we introduced the need for repentance once we have recognized we are guilty of moral impurity. As stated, there are two important aspects of the repentance process. The fist was discussed last week. This is the need to seek forgiveness from God. For the pre-believer, this is the starting point … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Repentance

          When we recognize the trap of Satan that has us acting in an impure manner, we must make a conscious decision to move away from that activity and move toward God. This is also a process that can be acted upon in a moment but may take some time to fully complete. This is … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Recognition

          As was outlined in last weeks post, the first step in the healing process of moral sin is recognition. This seems like an easy place to start. After all, we each know ourselves better than anyone else does, so recognizing sin in our life should be simple. However, there are hinderances to this process … [Read more…]

Man To Man: A Way Out

          I know that our conversations over these past few weeks have been sobering and a bit difficult. However, the stakes are high in our Spiritual Warfare. This battle is between God and Satan, but we are the victims Satan is attempting to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Therefore, a strong plan of standing against his … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Down But Not Out

            We have been discussing the responsibility of godly men to maintain moral purity. Although there are several areas in which Satan can tempt a man to fall, it is in the realm of sexual sin that seems to be his primary target. A major reason for Satan’s interest in this area is found in … [Read more…]

Man to Man – Who Has My Back

NOTE: Portions of this post have appeared previously on this blog. They are repeated due to their importance in our current discussion.             We are discussing tools to assist us in maintaining moral purity. Obviously, as we discussed last week, the place to start is to draw near to God. But there are also some … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Nearness

          We continue our discussion of the importance for a man of God to be morally pure. This is for our protection, the health and safety of our families, and ultimately, to bring glory to our Lord. We will continue our discussion on the process of avoiding a fall into moral failure. Later, we will … [Read more…]

Man to Man: Pursuing God’s Best

          We are investigating the issue of moral purity in our lives. We are beginning with the question, “How do I avoid falling into moral compromise!” Although the answer to this question is quite simple, the application of the answer can be a challenge when under the constant lure of this world in our lives. … [Read more…]

Man To Man: Protection

          I’m back, live and in person. Well, at least in print. After posting some repeats over the past few weeks, we are going to begin a new series of discussions. Since I last posted a new Man to Man, I have spent a week in the boundary waters of Minnesota, spent two weeks of … [Read more…]