NOTE: This is also the article for the October newsletter for the entire church. As I was writing this for the blog post, I realized that everyone needs to hear this.
Several years ago, my daughter asked if I would help her in the process of buying a car. We set out, one day, with the idea of visiting several used car dealerships to get an idea of what type of car she might want. At the first lot we visited, she saw a car that made her eyes light up. It was not as “practical” as I would have liked for her to buy, so I suggested we stick to our original plan and look at several other vehicles before deciding. However, I knew deep down that she had already made up her mind. Sure enough, after visiting several other locations, we found ourselves back at the original spot with her purchasing the car that had caught her eye.
A few months later, I found myself looking for a vehicle. As I began my search, I began to see the make and model my daughter had purchased everywhere. It almost seemed as if that were the only kind of car for sale. I eventually bought one, the same year and exact same color as my daughter’s. Of course mine was a four door with a moon roof, not a two-door convertible like hers.
Did throngs of other people suddenly trade in this make and model of car so that was all that was available? Or did I suddenly have new eyes to see all these similar cars on the lots?
You know the answer and I am guessing you have had the same kind of experience. Whether it is a car, a paint color in your home, or a pair of running shoes – our specific purchases awaken us to a new awareness of similar or duplicate items in other places. Specific commitment and ownership draw our attention to other similar items and opens a new recognition.
I want to propose that God can use this same tendency to increase our awareness of him through prayer. As we commit ourselves to fervent, consistent prayer, several things happen. First, consistency leads to consistency. In other words, a dedication to regular prayer begins to grow into a habit that we do not want to break. Also, as we pray, we become more aware of those answers to prayer that God provides. As we begin to build up our storehouse of answered prayer, our awareness of God and his work in our lives increases; we begin to recognize God’s hand in all areas of our lives. This new awareness awakens a desire to increase our faith in the power of God to act on our behalf. This all leads to a deeper reliance on his grace.
This familiarity or awareness of God’s work in our lives does not grow from simply “shopping around” for evidence of God. Granted, he has provided us with many indications of his glory all around us through creation. However, the intimacy that can develop through prayer goes much deeper. It is a basic principle of communication that we learn from our personal relationships. The more open people are with us in our conversations, the more deeply we will get to know them. This leads to a vulnerability and closeness that keeps our walk with our Lord fresh and fulfilling.
The secret to this process is to just do it! There is no magic formula. A suggestion for building this into your life is to set aside a specific time and place each day for prayer. It does not have to be long, but it does have to be consistent. You may need to set your alarm five minutes earlier or turn off the TV show sooner. Make this time a priority; an appointment with God that cannot be broken. You can start your time with a thought of praise and adoration to God, telling him how important he is to you. Then commit to him your desire to follow his will in your life, whatever he asks of you through his Word or the prompting of his Spirit. Follow this with letting him know what you want from him, what needs you have. End with a thought of thankfulness for what he has done for you.
As this becomes more natural, you may find a desire to increase your time with God as your awareness and comfort with him increases. This will strengthen your spiritual journey which will empower you to encourage others as well. Try it!
Elizabeth Diehl
Due to some computer glitches I was not able to hear the messages. I really
missed them. I can’t find the correct to reply to 10/10. Sorry I do appreciate
the chance to participate in communion. thanks for all you do to encourage us.
Bless You